

Saturday, March 20, 2004

How do u tell if a guy is telling the truth or simply lying?
-by Sweet Muffin

Hey, I know. I can always tell if a guy is just sweet-talking me, very seldom do I get *real* compliments. And what do u call guys that lie too much? Losers or Jerks? Personally, I refer them as Clowns because they have no idea that they are making a fool of themselves in front of me and I go a hearty *ha-ha*.

Why do guys wanna lie in the first place? If u have read this book Why Men Lie and Women Cry, u will know the answer [… focusing on a relationship is not a natural part of the male psyche, thinking or scale of priorities.] So they are always more sit back and say things like: *Whatever you decide is fine with me*. One thing women must remember is that men have a lot of pride (They need some shit to cover their face)

Do you hate it and get real angry when u know that *he* is lying again? I do in the beginning, wanting to scratch his *smirking* smile off his face but after a while (feeling: *What the hell!*), I feel cool as a cucumber again(Chanting: *May hell be with u*)

It*s not worth it my fair ladies. Boys will always be boys.


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