

Friday, December 10, 2004

"My conversation with him"
-by Sarah Leung

After a night of card writing, gift wrapping and more shopping, I was easily fast asleep. Thanks to him above, nothing strange took place and I slept like a baby. The 'spooky' encounter last night were more threatening to my Significant Other than me as I explained that I have no fear for not doing unto others.

Half dead, I dreadfully planned out my checklist:
(X) Dad's
( ) Mom's
(X) Sis
(X) His
( ) His Family
(X) Girlfriends
( ) Write cards
( ) Make card
( ) 1 gift box, 1 small gold bag, 1 gift pouch, 2 meters ribbon
( ) Photo Develop<- Last
( ) Carrot ->Pet
(X) Brain dead

Speaking to him and brainstorm on Christmas wishes, I put my thoughts into words and pen them in the cards quickly. Afraid that I might miss track of my thoughts... I'm right, he had my attention at:

W: "How big in dimension you want your gift box to be?"
Me: (Hold out my ruler) "25 by 6. What should I write?"
W: "Guy?"
Me: "No." (writing)
W: "Oh lucky. Ribbon?"
Me: "No." (still writing)
W: "No ribbons, you sure? How many?"

Oh gosh! I still have 30 more cards to go which means 30 more personalized greetings and 30 more hand exercise. I am already tired by the 'discovery'.

Christmas is 15 days away but it felt like running a race. What's more, he painfully reminded me that post service on peak season like this will take a longer time to reach the local recipients and much much longer time to reach the other countries. So he mercilessly planned out a deadline for me. What can I say? He knows me well. I'm prone to delay and lazy syndrome. He said the word "2 days".

Meeting the 2 days deadline is pressing enough, he had me again with another (less-than)fantastic idea. "What should I get for your dad, mom & sis...?". I heard him it was "sharp" to my ears.