

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

"Thank you for your card!"
-by Sarah Leung

Let me begin with a big "thank you!" to the ever-sweet Cheryl for your beautiful card. Yea girl, I'll make time for girls night-out, I swear. So how about Christmas eve? It is definitely the best day for celebration to cheers to my last day of work and work only half day! How about that?

Moving on to a less cheerful issue, I am greatly shocked by an email that I received last noon. It is titled "real case in Bangsar, be careful", well you better be careful course the pictures in it is disturbing. Say that I'm over-reacting or I'm under-exposed to such emails, I'm very alarmed by the misbehaver of mankind. If you have seen the Nicholas beheaded video (which I'll never want to watch it in my life), I felt the same way as you do then, just in one word- disgusted.

It is a matter of fact that, WE in the right mind do not conduct such acts. One thing for sure, they are seriously mentally unsound that need supervised treatment around the clock. The best place to keep them safe is institutions of mental health. Definitely not letting them run wild in the democratic (I'm sure they have no idea what this word means) place we call home.

As I shared this horrible email with my Significant Other, I felt a sharp reality hitting me hard. To him, it is classified as nothing more than ordinary. Beyond his calm he could only feel a little sympathy for the victim. It hit me twice as hard to know something are just beyond our control.

Indeed, with unexpected life-threatening bombings happening, we have lost the ability to defense ourselves. No place is ever safe again. And psycho offenders hurting & killing of people in animal-slaying manner, we have lost our human rights of respect too. What's more needed to justify that we are vulnerable?

So what makes us superior than animals now? Just because you are bilingual or earns more money don't make you different. We are all preys hiding away from our predators. Human beings have become so intimidated just like animals in the juggle. Perhaps that's why we choose not to have babies as not wanting to expose our precious ones to harm.

And so what? If you have the best policy in the world and flag away those incentives. We only believe in one principal and that is no safety, no babies.