To tell or not to tell?
-by Sweet Muffin
Let*s say if u are pestered by an admirer and his presence became a disturbance to u, what would u do?
A friend of mine is in such a situation and she is cracking her head on how can she avoid him. But why don*t she just frankly tell him that she is not interested? Well, she gave me a very standard answer to that. **I dunno how to tell him** and because of that she is going through hell now.
What if I turn the table around and u are now the admirer, would u tell him/her that u like that person? Have u ever thought of the consequences of telling him/her your affections? I used to be bold and tell whoever I like that **hey, I think u r cute**. I*ll be extra nice to him and u can find me with his company all the time. But now, I don*t think that is a good idea. Basically, how sure he is that he likes u is more important. Cos* sometimes guys don*t really know what they are thinking ,it*s true. They might be giving u all the false indications and when u finds out the truth in the end, it*s too late cos* u are already hurt. Personally I feel that it is totally a waste of time.
My Advice: Wait for him to make the first move